Legal Text


Please note that the formal legal text for Modification 0621 and each of the ten Alternative modifications shows the changes from the prevailing text in the UNC. It is published here: 

Legal Text Final :

The formal legal text consists of four documents for each Modification Proposal:

  1. Front page - the legal document making the changes

  2. Annex A to front page (changes to TPD Section B)

  3. Annex B to front page (changes to TPD Section Y)

  4. Annex C to front page (new paragraph in Transition Document).

For each of the Alternative modification proposals only, there is an additional set of four documents, published here for information only, to show the differences between each respective Alternative and Modification 0621, with the aim of assisting consultation respondents. This set of comparison documents are, therefore, not the formal legal text (as they do not show the changes from the current UNC wording) and, on this basis, are not included in the Final Modification Report. They are included as a separate folder here: 

Legal Text - Comparison with 0621

Please note that the comparison table also highlights the differences between the eleven modification proposals.

It is published here: