15 August 2024 UNC Modification Panel and UNCC

Start date:
15 Aug, 2024 - 10:00
End date:
15 Aug, 2024 - 16:00
Meeting organiser:
Joint Office

This meeting will be a hybrid with all Members welcome to attend in person providing they have notified the Joint Office in advance.


Panel Chair

  1. Wanda Goldwag

Shipper Members

  1. Colin Paine
  2. David Morley 
  3. Dan Tarasco-Fittock 
  4. David Morley for Oorlagh Chapman
  5. Richard Fairholme
  6. Steve Mulinganie 

 Transporter Members

  1. Tom Jenkins for Charlotte Gilbert 
  2. David Mitchell 
  3. Edward Allard
  4. Malcolm Montgomery
  5. Tom Stuart 
  6. Tracey Saunders

Non-Domestic Consumer Representatives

  1. Arjan Geveke

Consumer Representative

  1. Sam Hughes

Ofgem Representative

  1. Matthew Brown


  1. Ellie Rogers - Xoserve
  2. Helen Cuin - Joint Office
  3. Kate Elleman - Joint Office
  4. Rebecca Hailes - Panel Secretary
  5. Ellie Osobina - Ofgem
  6. Rhonan McLellan - Ofgem
  7. Eleanor Cavanagh - Ofgem
  8. Georgie Price - Ofgem
  9. Alice Johnston - Ofgem
  10. Jonathan Balls - Ofgem


This meeting will be considered quorate provided at least two Transporter and two Shipper User representatives are present who can exercise six votes.

Joint Office Events

Meeting Details

This meeting will be a hybrid with all Members welcome to attend in person providing they have notified the Joint Office in advance.

Observers who have been granted permission to join the meeting via teleconference will need to contact the Joint Office for teleconference details using enquiries@gasgovernance.co.uk