The Chair and Secretariat services for the CACoP changes every 12 months between each Code Administrator in alphabetical order per Code.
In 2021, the MRA is responsible for providing Chair and Secretariat services for CACoP.
Information with regards to the CACoP forum meetings and activities, including minutes from meetings; Workshops and Newsletter can be found via
What is CACoP?
As part of Ofgem’s Code Governance Review, the Code Administration Code of Practice (CACoP), was established.
The CACoP is a cross energy industry code document and aims to provide consistency in the approach and level of service associated with Codes modification processes.
The CACoP contains a number of key principles to facilitate consistency, convergence and transparency in code Modification processes. The 14 CACoP principles are summarised below:
- Code Administrators shall be critical friends;
- Documentation published by Code Administrators shall be in clear English;
- Information will be promptly and publicly available to users;
- The Code Administration Code of Practice will be reviewed periodically and subject to amendment by users;
- Code Administrators shall support processes which enable users to access a ‘pre-Modification’ process to discuss and develop Modifications;
- A proposer of a Modification will retain ownership of the detail of their solution;
- Code Administrators will facilitate alternative solutions to issues being developed to the same degree as an original solution;
- Estimates of implementation costs to central systems will be produced and consulted upon prior to a Modification being recommended for approval;
- Legal text will be produced and consulted upon prior to a Modification being recommended for approval;
- Modifications will be consulted upon and easily accessible to users, who will be given reasonable time to respond;
- There will be flexibility for implementation, to allow proportionate delivery times and realisation of benefits; and
- The Code Administrator will annually report on Key Performance Indicators.
- Code Administrators will ensure cross Code coordination to progress changes efficiently where modifications impact multiple Codes.
- Code Administrators shall support prospective energy innovators
Cross Code Engagement (Modifications affecting multiple Codes)
In order to encourage Cross Code Engagement across the industry, Code Administrators have agreed how they will support any modifications affecting two or more Codes. This is detailed in the Code Administration Joint Working Practice available at:
The Central Modifications Register, updated monthly, lists all the open modifications across all the Codes and can be found here: Central Modifications Register - CACoP
Code Administration Code of Practice
The Joint Office is committed to operating in line with the Code Administration Code of Practice (CACoP), published by Ofgem. Any comments on the Code of Practice or how we can better comply with this would also be very welcome at any time - email Joint Office (
18 June 2020
Please be informed that BEIS has published its consultation conclusion document:
BEIS has now concluded on its consultation to modify the UNC (amongst other documents) and decided to proceed with the UNC changes that they proposed in April 2020.
The conclusion document can be found here:
06 April 2020
Please be informed that BEIS has published its consultation:
BEIS Consultation on the DCC's provision of an enrolment service for EDM1 and SMETS1 meters; changes to DCC, Electricity and Gas Supply Licence Conditions; and changes to the SEC, BSC and UNC: