DSC Contract Management Committee

This is a UNC Sub-Committee as constituted under UNC General Terms D 4.1.1.

Correspondence relating to this committee can be sent to: enquiries@gasgovernance.co.uk

 Meeting Location Microsoft Teams/Solihull
 Main Meeting Date Usually 3rd Wednesday of month
 Chair Mark Cockayne
 Secretary Ben Mulcahy
 Telephone enquiries 0121 288 2107


Committee Representatives:

Enquiries to individual members (include return contact details) should be sent via the Joint Office to enquiries@gasgovernance.co.uk


 Members as of 01 October 2024


 User Members Organisation Class Alternate(s)
 Vacancy*  A 
 Oorlagh Chapman Centrica A (x2) & C* TBC
 Steve Mulinganie  SEFE Energy B (x2) & C* TBC
 Vacancy*  B 
 Vacancy*  C 
 Vacancy*  C 

*Where there is a Shipper User Class Vacancy, the votes will be re-distributed to representatives from the other classes, in accordance with UNC GT Section D Annex D-2 Para 2.2.9. If a party wishes to represent their class they should submit a request for a change of representation to the Code Administrator, in accordance UNC GT Section D Annex D-2 Para 9).   Please contact us for more details. 

Gas Year 2024 - the vacant Shipper User Class votes were allocated to representatives from the other classes at the October 2024 Meeting.


 Transporter Members Organisation Alternate(s)
 Marina Papathoma DNO Representative Helen Chandler & Tom Stuart
 Sally Hardman DNO Representative Edward Allard & David Mitchell
 Andrea Godden NTS Representative Richard Loukes & Darren Lond
 Richard Loukes NTS Representative Andrea Godden & Darren Lond
 Charlotte Gilbert IGT Representative Jenny Rawlinson & Tom Jenkins
 Tom Jenkins IGT Representative Michelle Brown & Jenny Rawlinson


 CDSP Contract Management Representatives
 Jayne McGlone
 David Addison
 Angela Clarke

DSC Contract Management Committee Voting Members should nominate two standing alternates

DSC Contract meetings will be quorate where: Committee Representatives of at least two (2) shall be Shipper Representatives and three (3) shall be DNO Representatives, NTS Representatives or IGT Representatives, are present at a meeting who can exercise six (6) votes.