Performance Assurance Committee

This Committee is held to review, consider and develop gas settlement Performance Assurance related matters and solutions.

PAC Mission Statement: To be instrumental in driving, supporting and encouraging industry's continued improvement for gas Settlement performance and risk management.

In addition to the scheme documentation shown below, the Framework document and the Performance Assurance Report Register (PARR) can be found in our UNC Related Documents - TPD section:

The Performance Assurance Framework Administrator (PAFA) provides a secure web-based confidential platform for UNC Parties to access confidential information prepared by the PAFA (

Link to secure workspace: Egress Switch | Authentication

The PAFA can be contacted on

Xoserve PAC Training Material:

The PAFA can be contacted on

The Joint Office will inform PAFA of new PAC members so the PAFA can send new PAC members an invitation to join a confidential platform and grant access to the PAFA systems and reporting information with a high-level description of how to use it. Members will have access to all confidential information previously published for PAC Members.

 Meeting Location Microsoft Teams/Solihull/London
 Main Meeting Date Monthly (2nd Tuesday if after 10th of the month otherwise 3rd Tuesday)
 Chair Mark Cockayne
 Secretary Helen Bennett
 Telephone enquiries 0121 288 2107


Correspondence relating to this Sub-committee can be sent to:

Shipper Members (as of 01 October 2024)

 Shipper Members
 Member Organisation  Alternate
 Alison Wiggett Corona Energy TBC
 Catriona Ballard            Brook Green Trading Limited Harry Hailwood
 Colin Paine ENGIE Gas Shipper Ltd Phil Broom
 Graeme Cunningham Centrica Oorlagh Chapman or Lee Greenwood
 Louise Hellyer TotalEnergies Gas & Power Andrew Jones
 Sallyann Blackett E.ON Kirsty Dudley
 Steve Mulinganie SEFE Energy Limited Lisa Saycell


Transporter Members

Transporter Members 
Edward AllardCadentShiv Singh
Marina Papathoma WWUTracey Saunders
Jenny RawlinsonBUUKTom Jenkins 


PAC meetings will be quorate where there are at least four Shipper User PAC Members and two Transporters (DNO and/or IGT) PAC Members with a minimum of six PAC Members in attendance.