The European Third Energy Package came into law on 03 March 2011, with the aim of developing a more harmonised European internal energy market.
The Third Energy Package consists of two Directives and three Regulations. The main Regulation that prescribes conditions for access to the gas transmission network is Regulation EC No 715/2009.
To meet the conditions set out within Regulation EC No 715/2009, a number of European Network Codes have been developed. Once passed into EU law, the European Codes supersede Great Britain's (GB) law and therefore the Uniform Network Code (UNC).
Where the GB gas regulatory framework is considered non-compliant with the European Codes, National Grid NTS (as the Transmission System Operator), has raised a series of EU related UNC Modifications, in order to achieve legal compliance with the Codes.
A roadmap is published below, which is intended to serve as a reminder and summary for stakeholders of the various UNC and other contractual changes that are needed to implement the EU Codes
The European Network Codes approved by the European Commission to date are summarised below, with attached links to the official Regulations:
Congestion Management Procedures (CMP)
This specifies rules to ensure booked capacity at Interconnection Points is used efficiently to address issues of contractual congestion in transmission pipelines. The rules amend Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 on conditions for access to the natural gas transmission networks. A two phased implementation in October 2013 and October 2014. Congestion Management Procedures
Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (CAM)
Commission Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 CAM (Capacity Allocation Mechanisms) seeks to create more efficient allocation of capacity at the Interconnection Points between adjacent Transmission System Operators. CAM introduces the revised 05:00-05:00 gas Day arrangements at Interconnection Points. It applies in Great Britain from 01 November 2015. Capacity Allocation Mechanisms
Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks (Balancing Code)
Commission Regulation (EU) No 312/2014 creates balancing rules, including network-related rules on nominations procedures at Interconnection Points, rules for imbalance charges and rules for operational balancing between Transmission System Operators. The new gas Day arrangements are applicable across the GB balancing zone via this code. It applies in Great Britain from 01 October 2015. Balancing Code
Network Code on Interoperability and Data Exchange Rules
Commission Regulation EU 2015/703 establishes a network code on interoperability and data exchange rules. It obliges Transmission System Operators to implement harmonised operational and technical arrangements in order to remove perceived barriers to cross-border gas flows and thus facilitate EU market integration. Implementation was required by 01 May 2016.
Tariffs Code
Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 sets out the rules on harmonised transmission structures for gas, including rules on the application of a reference price methodology, the associated consultation and publication requirements. The regulation applies to all entry and exit points of the gas transmission system with the exception of some articles focussed on the calculation of reserve prices for standard capacity products which only apply to interconnection points.