How we can help

Here are the key things you can expect from a Code Administrator, as described in the details below.

What is Code Administration?

What you can expect from your Code Administrator
  • Sets out the key things you need to know, for example:
    • What is the Modification process?
    • What the Code Administrator does
    • How you do it (communications, workgroups, consultations)
    • How to keep informed (Briefings, distribution lists)
    • How to propose a change to Code
    • Useful references/links
Website Guide
  • Key Features
  • How is the website structured
  • A-Z index
  • Shortcuts
Pre-Panel Briefing for Industry
  • Monthly email with plain English description of the mods in front of Panel (new and for decision)
  • Conference call to discuss informally
Be Impartial


  • Provide independent Chair and secretariat where possible
  • Support smaller parties and all change proposals
  • Ask the ‘stupid questions’
  • Play ‘devil’s advocate’
Primary Contacts
  • Where should questions/queries be sent?
  • Who can I talk to?
  • Is there any self-help available?


Essentially it’s about managing the Code Modification Process (a route to change the UNC)

Overview of the UNC Modification Process

Joint Office of Gas Transporters (JO)

– what we do

How the JO can help you wokflow

How we do it - and what it means for you…

Email Communications to Users

   1. Notification of new Modification proposals raised, and invitations to participate in pre UNC Modification Panel briefings

   2. Notification of UNC Workgroup meetings - Invitations to participate in development of a modification proposal and updates on progress

   3. Notification of Consultations – Invitations to submit your views (representations)

   4. Notification of the final outcome of the process (approval or rejection of proposed change) and confirmation of its effective date

See for details of Mailing Lists .

Want to get signed up? – send a request to

Network Code

  • This is the primary channel and gives access to information on all UNC Modifications (Live and Closed), the meetings of the main ‘umbrella’ Workgroups, the UNC Modification Panel and its related Sub-Committees, and to the documents that comprise the Uniform Network Code itself.
  • Hovering on the dropdown menu gives access to individual side menus where more specific information can be found.
  • The Modifications Register lists all UNC Modifications and their current status (see ); this provides a useful overview and is updated whenever there is a change.

Events Diary

  • Here you will find an evolving Events calendar giving details of UNC meetings arranged throughout the coming months. It displays with the current month to view.
  • To access later months press the chevron that follows ‘2015’ in the month title.
  • Clicking on an ‘Event’ will provide further specific detail.
  • Clicking the ‘download’ button will add the event to your calendar

What’s New

  • The website is updated in ‘real time’, and this channel is a quick and easy way to find out what documents have recently been added to the website.
  • A document of interest can be accessed by pressing the individual ‘View’ button located on the right hand side of the page. This will take you to the updated page on which the document will be found.

About Us

  • This channel tells you about the Joint Office Team and how to contact us. You can also access a link to the Code Administrators Code of Practice (CACoP) that we work to, and see our Performance Objectives.
  • You will also find details of our mailing lists here, under Contact Us. If you wish to subscribe to any/all please send a request, indicating which mailing lists you wish to be included on, to We would recommend the UNC and the Meeting Notices Lists as good starting points…
  • Can’t find what you are looking for on the website? - Call us on 0121 288 2107 – we can help.

Want to keep informed about modifications?

  • At any time – Look at our Modifications Register We publish a register of all UNC modifications, which identifies; proposers, key dates, which stage it is at, which Transporter is providing the Legal Text etc. It is available in Excel to download and pdf for simple viewing.  
  • Monthly Pre-Panel email and conference call – Register for our email and dial in to the call – it will help you to understand which modifications are particularly important to you. Each month, a few days before Panel, we hold a conference call where you can hear about the new modifications due to be considered and any that are before Panel for an implementation recommendation/decision (if Self Governance). It is informal, usually takes no more than an hour, and provides an opportunity to clarify anything you’re not sure about. Our Events Diary also has details of the Pre-Panel Briefings. Copies of the monthly Briefing emails are published on our website alongside the Panel papers each month:

Got a proposal for a change to the UNC?

How we can help you …

  • Step 1 – Discuss what you want to do with the JO In our role as “Critical Friend” the JO Team is available to advise on the best route to proceed, to help you to develop your initial proposal, and to guide you through the process from inception to conclusion.
  • Step 2 – Select and complete the appropriate Template Templates are available at to help you begin to frame your idea and assist you to provide sufficient information.
  • Got an alternative solution to an existing modification? Talk to the JO…
  • We are always happy to help! Contact us on: 0121 288 2107, or at:

Useful Links