Energy Balancing Credit Committee

The EBCC is a body of User representatives with certain rights and responsibilities relating to the management of the Community's Energy Balancing Credit Risk.  These representatives are elected annually, via the UNC Shipper Representative Appointment Process, for a period of 12 months and are entitled to vote and act in accordance with UNC TPD Section X.   All decisions are taken on a simple majority.

 Main Meeting Date: Quarterly 
 Meeting Location: Solihull or Microsoft Teams
 Chair:    Helen Cuin
 Secretary: Helen Bennett
 Telephone enquiries: 0121 288 2107


The Energy Balancing Credit Rules are published here /tpddocs

EBCC meetings will be quorate where there are at least 3 voting members, or appointed alternates in attendance.

Voting Members (as of 01 October 2024)




 Daniel Wilkinson


 John Costa

 David Holland

 Scottish Power

 Katie Barron

 Lorna-Ann Vernon   


 Sharon McCahey

 Laura Dawson


 Kirsty Dudley

 Steve Mulinganie

 SEFE Energy Ltd


 Thomas Grove


 Ben Ades



Non-Voting Attendee

Brendan Gill (Xoserve)

Claire Jamieson (Xoserve)

Sharon Bright (Xoserve)