DSC Change Management Committee

This is a UNC Sub-Committee as constituted under UNC General Terms D 4.1.1.

 Meeting Location:

 Solihull or Microsoft Teams


 Rebecca Hailes

 Lead Secretary:

 Helen Cuin



 Telephone enquiries:

 0121 288 2107


Committee Representatives:

Enquiries to individual members (include return contact details) should be sent via the Joint Office to enquiries@gasgovernance.co.uk


Members as of 01 October 2024


 User Members




 Vote Count


 Emma Haxton

 Octopus Energy


 Class A 

 1 vote


 Lee Greenwood



 Class A

 1 vote

 Oorlagh Chapman

 Lisa Saycell 

 SEFE Energy


 Class B 

 1 vote

 Steve Mulinganie 

 Mark Jones

 SSE Energy Supply Limited


 Class B

 1 vote







 (**vote held by E Haxton)






  (**vote held by M Jones)


*Where there is a Shipper User Class Vacancy, the votes will be re-distributed to representatives from the other classes, in accordance with UNC GT Section D Annex D-2 Para 2.2.9. If a party wishes to represent their class they should submit a request for a change of representation to the Code Administrator, in accordance UNC GT Section D Annex D-2 Para 9). Please contact us for more details. 

**Gas Year 2024 - the two vacant Shipper User Class C votes have been randomly allocated at the 13 November 2024 Meeting. This means that Emma Haxton and Mark Jones will each have an extra vote for Class C in addition to their own votes until end of September 2025.


 Transporter Members


 Vote Count


 Edward Allard

 DNO Representative

 1 vote

 Sally Hardman or Andy Clasper

 Helen Chandler

 DNO Representative

 1 vote

 Tom Stuart

 Bill Goode

 NTS Representative

 1 vote

 Richard Loukes or Andrea Godden

 Richard Loukes

 NTS Representative

 1 vote

 Bill Goode or Andrea Godden

 Michelle Brown

 IGT Representative

 1 vote

 Kundai Matiringe or Erin McFeeley 

 Kundai Matiringe

 IGT Representative

 1 vote

 Michelle Brown or Sarah Brown


 CDSP Contract Management Representatives

 Emma Smith

 Paul Orsler


DSC Change Management Committee Voting Members should nominate two standing alternates.


DSC Change meetings will be quorate where: Committee Representatives of at least two (2) shall be Shipper Representatives and three (3) shall be DNO Representatives, NTS Representatives or IGT Representatives, are present at a meeting who can exercise six (6) votes.


Change Management process